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Most products that are stored in our Wakefield warehouse for which orders are placed before 1.00PM GMT are shipped the very same day, and delivered on the following day to any place within UK. Deliveries to Northern Ireland, Scotland, Channel Islands, etc. might take longer, and might charge extra costs for this. Most requests set after 3 pm Thursday will be shipped on Monday.

For products stored in our warehouse located in Europe it can take up to 3 business days to process orders, and up to 3 – 5 business days to deliver them to the UK. Additionally, for orders of multiple products shipping can take up the additional time. You can find the exact amount of time your product will take to ship during the ordering process.

For any order which shipping cost cannot be calculated at the time of checkout, we will calculate the shipping cost after the order has been placed. We will then either charge your credit card or send an invoice that can be paid online, if applicable.


We take unprecedented measures to guarantee your things arrive securely and in place. Every product goes through a stringent checking process before it is shipped to guarantee that the product reaches you unharmed.


For all online purchases you can return or trade items through Grey Eagle Shop areas or by calling our Customer Care Center.

In the event that you obtained specifically from us either online at or by telephone from our Customer Care group, and you are inside the 30 day return policy, then you may likewise pick to set-up a return via mail. Buyers pay for returned items.


Essentially email customer, or call us, and provide all necessary information regarding the transaction including: name and surname of the buyer, date of the transaction, name of the purchased item, payment method, delivery address, so we can identify the transaction and start returning process.

Safely pack item(s) in a unique bundling, including documentation, manuals, guarantee data, registration, and so on. Returns that don't meet these conditions might be liable to a restocking charge.

We are not in charge of lost or harmed packages.

We will email you again to confirm when the credit has been issued to your PayPal, Bank Account or Credit/Debit card.



Altered Products

Actually modified item was made particularly for you, so we can't take returns on these things.

30-Day Return Period

You should ask for a Return Authorization number for every single other item inside 30 days of the date of unique buy. Safely package things as we are not in charge of any things lost or harmed in travel.

Restocking Fee

Unless denied by law, a 10% restocking expense might be charged for all used items when the processing plant seal has been broken.

Missing Item or Damaged Product Fee

Extra expenses will be charged for any item missing the first box, bundling material, substance, accessories, and/or manuals (i.e. any item not in "sellable" condition).

Future Changes

We are fully entitled to change these terms whenever we wish to do so, the changes will be presented on this page, the landing page, and different areas we consider proper with the goal that you know about the set of accepted rules of our administration. We save and are qualified for all rights to adjust, modify, change or overhaul these terms at any given time, so please check back from time to time.

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